The Dawn Right Before The Sun Rises Is The Darkest

The Dawn Right Before The Sun Rises Is The Darkest


Study while others are sleeping, work while other are loafing, prepare while others are playing and dream while other are wishing. Never stop believing that fighting for what`s right is worth it, but don`t forget to enjoy every last moments.

Jangan kehilangan iman ketika melihat orang lain menerima jawaban atas doa-doa mereka. Jangan merasa iri atas kesaksian orang lain. Jika kita belum menerima berkat kita sendiri, jangan merasa putus asa. Berkatalah pada diri sendiri, “waktu saya akan tiba, dan ketika menyentuh permukaan bumi, orang akan berdecak kagum.” _Agan Simbolon

Sometimes, you need to remind yourself that you were the one who carried you through the heartache. You are the one who sits with the cold body on the shower floor, and picks it up. You are who feeds it, who clothes it, who tucks it into bed, and you should be proud of that. Having the strength to take care of yourself when everyone arround you is trying to bleed you dry, that is the strongest thing in the universe.

You`re still going to get critized, so you might as well do whatever the fuck you want.

Always be a little kinder than necessary

Don`t create limitations

Break every rule that limits the humans spirit.

If you have never lost your mind, you have never followed your heart

Face every probem with a peacefull mind and with a strong mind. It`s fine to be down sometimes.

To be human is to be broken and broken is its own kind of beautiful

Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest

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